England ...

Cargo transportation from England

In the economy of the European Union, the United Kingdom (Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales) occupies an honorable third place.

Germany and France take the lead in total trade turnover. The main categories of English exports are: machinery, fabrics and production equipment. The most regularly exported to Russia from the UK are the following types of goods:

  • Industrial equipment, conveyors, machine tools and parts for them
  • Technic
  • Gifts and Souvenirs
  • Haberdashery (knitted products in the form of hats and scarves, ties, watches)
  • Food supply
  • Large selection of fabrics
  • The office and books

Cargo transportation of the necessary categories of goods ctig performs from England to the Russian Federation most often by road-the delivery period is 7-14 days.

First, the combined cargo gets to us, to the consolidation warehouse in Vilnius, and then it is transported to Russia.
Estimated cost from 150 rubles per kg.

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The contract with non-resident

For traders who cannot work directly with Russian buyers, for sanctioned items as well, we have developed an exclusive scheme for the registration of goods with the help of non-resident in China. This is a direct contract. Absolutely transparent delivery without physical arrival in China.

Please fill out the request form and our manager will contact you ASAP! 

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